Welcome to The British Chihuahua Club

Founded in 1949, the British Chihuahua Club celebrated its Diamond (75th)
Anniversary with a fantastic 2024 Championship Show on Sunday 17th November.
There were a multitude of prizes and small gifts for the exhibitors, with a cash
prize from the Club of £75 for the Best in Show winner, and one of Amy Wilcox's
legendary celebration cakes to share. Amy also delighted the exhibitors by providing
hot food for breakfast and lunch at heavily subsidised prices.
Mrs Lyn Ison (Lynpix) was the Smoothcoat judge and chose Serena Hunt's Champion
Diamonchi Button Moon for Moltobello as her dog CC and Best of Breed. The
bitch CC was claimed by Emma Huntley with Jahneemah's Just The Ticket.
Reserve CCs went to Dorothy Entwistle's dog Dorenty's Arfa Sixpence and
Steve Rooney's Champion Yorone We've Got The Moves, while smoothcoat Best Puppy
and Best Veteran were Emma Hicks' import Xmas Dancer De Petit Roi Mojito at
Casiatodo and Felicity Murray's Borjomi Brightness respectiively.
Former longtime BCC committee member, Treasurer and Secretary Mr Guy Hazlehurst
returned to the club to judge Longcoats and his choice for Dog CC and Best of Breed
fell upon Emma Hicks' longcoat Champion, import Chiquita De Oro Top Ten at Casiatodo,
while Dorothy Entwistle's Champion Dorentys Heidi Hi took the bitch CC.
Reserve DCC went to Teresa Barker's Mocha Vanilla Baralicia and there was more
success for Dorothy with her second RCC of the day awarded to her up-and-coming
puppy bitch Dorenty Textututango, also awarded longcoat Best Puppy. The
longcoat Best Veteran was Sharon Robson's UK and Japanese Champion
Go My Way Jp's Sherry Gold with Tidos.
Earlier this year at our Open Show in May, for the first time we included Baby
Puppy classes, newly sanctioned by the Kennel CLub, for dogs of 4 and less than 6
months. We offered these classes again for this show, and several promising
youngsters were entered. Best s/c Baby
Puppy was Di Fothergill's Diamonchi Italian Stallion and the l/c was Michelle
Emmerson's cheekily-named Ismirelle's Kiss My Fluff. Due to KC rules on these
classes the winners were not able to compete further.
At the end of the morning's Dog classes the annual Ballybroke Memorial Puppy Stakes
class was held in memory of the late Graham and Margaret Foote. Our Best in Show
judge Mr Tony Allcock OBE awarded the winner's certificate and £50 cash prize
(donated by the family) to
Nick and Leah Todd-McCoid's beautiful longcoat puppy dog Rubyanlo Dream Boy.
Then at the end of the show, he chose the smoothcoat BOB, Serena Hunt's dog Ch Diamonchi
Button Moon for Moltobello as Best in Show (pictured left) while Emma Hicks' dog
Ch Chiquita De Oro
Top Ten at Casiatodo was Reserve. Best Puppy in Show went to Dorothy's
Dorenty Textututango with Sharon Robson's Ch/JapCh Go My Way Jp's Sherry Gold
with Tidos taking Best Veteran in Show.
We would like to thank all the exhibitors who attended and all the very hard-working
officers, committee members and volunteers who made the show both possible and
successful. Full results have been posted up on our Facebook page
Our 2024 Open Show was held at Brackley Leisure Centre on Sunday 12th May.
For the first time we scheduled Baby Puppy classes, which attracted a good entry.
Smoothcoat judge was Vivian Silverstein, making Lyn Stading's 'Stadmeyer Dashing
Dexter JW' her Best of Breed, while longcoats were judged by Denise Hurst. Longcoat Best
of Breed and Best Puppy was Teresa Barker's l/c 'Mocha Vanilla Baralicia', then taking
Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show under our BIS judge Lynda Soper. Di Fothergill and
Serena Hunt's jointly-owned l/c 'Caballie Madame Barbie' was Reserve BIS. Best
Veteran was also a longcoat, Colin & Marie Craggs' 'Reynoldco Sweet Dreams'.
If you would like to view the critiques from the show, you can find them here:
BIS Critique
Smoothcoat Critique
Longcoat Critique
At the club's recent Annual General Meeting, Mrs Emma Huntley announced her retirement
from the committee. We would like to thank her for serving with distinction for the
last three years as our Chair, and assure her that she will be missed. However we
are happy to announce that former Chair and noted breeder and judge Mrs Shelda Hornby has
returned to take up the position. Mrs Linda Cater continues as Vice Chair, while
Mrs Pauline Lodwick and Mr Bernard Coxhead remain as club Secretary and Treasurer.

Our latest yearbook (the Chihuahua Chronicle) is now out and with a sparkling new look!
This is the go-to reference for show results and the achievements of top winning dogs
for the whole of 2023. The New Champions Gallery has a photo and pedigree of each
new champion made up during the year, and there are lists of all CC and RCC winners and their
pedigrees, 'Top Dog' award wins and other facts and figures. The second half of the book contains
stunning full-colour advertisements by breeders and exhibitors featuring their beautiful
Chihuahuas. It will be on sale at our Open Show at the cover price of
£10, or you can order it from this website for £12.50 including postage and
packing to a UK address, £16.00 to Europe including Irish Republic, £20.00 to
most of the rest of the world or £21.00 to the Pacific region (Australasia).
Click here to go to the yearbook sales page.
The British Chihuahua Club Championship Show was held on Sunday 19th November at Brackley
Leisure Centre in Northamptonshire. Our judges were Mrs Diane Fothergill (Diamonchi) for
smoothcoats and Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow) for longs, with Mrs Hazel Senior as BIS judge.
Best in show was Irene Peeker's MultiCH Bramver's Millionaire and Reserve was Beverley Sutton's
smoothcoat Ch Nikitos Notwhitebutivory. Best Puppy in Show went to Sharon Robson's Tidos Honey
Pot, while Shih-Chi Facey's Ch Copymear Calendar Boy returned to take Best Veteran.
As well as the usual classes, there was a new annual AV Stakes class for puppies of both coats
and sexes named the Ballybroke Stakes to commemorate the late great Mr & Mrs Graham and
Margaret Foote, who both contributed so much to our club. The family sponsored the class with a
£50 cash first prize, which was awarded on this inaugural occasion by their daughter and
well-known judge Miss Alison Foote to Mr Steve Rooney and his smoothcoat dog puppy Yorone Two Can Play
That Game.