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BRITISH CHIHUAHUA CLUB SUB-GROUP OPEN SHOW 12th May 2024 - Smoothcoat Critique

Many thanks to the BCC for inviting me to judge the Smooth Coats at this open show. I thoroughly enjoyed the day going over some super dogs which made some decisions quite difficult. I have to say dentition was very pleasing on the whole. Much appreciation goes to my stewards who kept the ring flowing very well. Thank you ladies.

1 B Sutton’s NIKITOS Nevaendinstory NAF. Cream. At 5 months was a very confident mover if indeed a bit cheeky!. Very nicely put together and should mature beautifully with a little more age. One to follow.

2 Ginger & Parkinson’s Legado De Lagos Don Juan Jodeschi NAF. Black Tri colour. 5 months with a good body. With experience careful handling will gain confidence and thrive.

MPD (3,1)
1 L Stading’s TOLTECHI’S Dante Le Poete, 6mths black tri-colour. This attractive little guy moves really well side, front and rear. Has a beautiful apple dome head. Exceptional confidence for such a young dog at only his second show. He is mature in attitude and appearance. BPIB. RBPIS.

2 A Burrow’s ANADEIA Eowyn. This 8 month old red boy is almost too pretty to be male. A lovely head piece. He is of slight build will mature. He held his topline on the move very well.

1 S Slavinec’s CHARONCHI Sultan of Swing. Fawn. 10 months. Another pretty boy with super eyes, ears and apple head. Very level topline. A good front. Seems very alert and confident.

1 S Rooney’s Yarone Make My Day. 12 months. Fawn . A very alert young dog with a super front, great reach of neck. Maintained his topline at all times. Threw a lovely outline standing and on the move. Handsome. RBOB. RBD.

2 L Taylor’s ARKOSCHI Little White Bull. 10 months. White and cream. A little bit shy, but still quite young. Very good rear movement. Very, very good dentition.


1B Sutton’s ULTIMA ‘Tom De L’Isle Au Vert Coteau Nikitos (IMP FRA). At just 12 months this little cream fellow was slightly distracted on the move, but moved well and maintained his topline. A very handsome fellow with lovely dark eyes and well set ears. A great front and rear.

2 D Poyner’s ANADEIA Ovation for Mikichi JW. 23 months. Another very pretty dog. Had a great topline standing and on the move which was super straight putting his tail in just the right place. Hardly anything to choose between these two dogs. I just preferred the front on the first place.

1 L Stading’s STADMEYER Dashing Dexter JW. 2 years. I remember judging this dog as a pup at which time I recall that I considered him a little long in the body. However this dark blue fawn boy has matured beautifully. His movement is very sound and he is very well balanced, straight both front and rear. A lovely outline on the move with a very stable topline. BD BOB.

2 S Rooney’s YORONE Two Can Play That Game. 12 months. Fawn. A beautiful front. Topline is good and maintained on the move. An accurately placed tail which is held very well. No mistaking that he is related to another dog as their fronts and faces are pretty much identical with everything in the right place. I think he may be slightly longer than his brother, but will mature into a very appealing Chihuahua indeed.

OPEN DOG (2,1)
1 B Sutton’s TERRIBLE TERRY De L’Isle au Vert Coteau Nikitos (IMP FRA). 2yo. Very nice short coupled and compact cream boy, a little short on neck, but made up for it overall. What a great cigar tail and topline. Nice front reach on the move.

1 S Stangoe’s STANGHURST Antonio. 10 Years of age. What a boy and was so very nicely balanced on the move and very happy to be in the ring. What an amazing outline for a veteran of this age. What a shame we all have to get old.


MPB (3,1)
1D Poyner’s MIKICHI Mini Moon NAF. 6 months. Cream girl with a temperament we all look for in a puppy of such age. Very level topline maintained on the move. Super potential.

PB (1)
1 V Moggridge & H Senior’s JAHNEEMAHS Fancy That With Recuerdo. 9 months. Very nice and balanced on the move. Straight both front and rear. Apple head, well set ears and a lovely eye. A nice dual purpose female. Super cigar tail.

JB (5,1)
1 D Fothergill’s DIAMONCHI Miss Beautiful. 16 months. Very pretty girl with the correct proportions of a Chihuahua. Petite, nicely coupled, table topline and accurate tail set. A very straight (front and rear) mover.

2 B Sutton’s ULTRA Violette De Isle Au Vert Coteau Nikitos (IMP FRA). A very compact body. Stocky type with straight topline and well set tail. Big dark eyes and good ear set. Moved soundly.

NB (1)
1 V C Moggridge & H Senior’s JAHNEEMAS Fancy That with Recuerdo. See PB

PG (7,3)
1 D Fothergill’s DIAMONCHI Miss Beautiful. 16 months. Cream. Excellent dentition. Not too short in the muzzle. Another correctly sized dog for the breed. Stands very square with a good tail. Throws a lovely silhouette on the move.

2 B Sutton’s SERENA Tout a Gagner De L’Isle Au Vert Coteau Nikitos (IMP FRA). 3yo. Nice apple head. Good stop, large eyes and nice ear set. Nifty little mover, brisk and determined.

LB (4,3)
1 B Sutton’s THE BLACK DREAM De L’Isle Au Vert Coteau Nikitos (IMP FRA). 2yo. Black tri. Classic head nicely marked. Large eyes and good ear set. Brisk little mover, very straight away and back and very happy. RBB

2 L Taylor’s ARKOSCHI Oh My Tweed JW. 17mths. Blue Fawn. What a super front. Stands very square and balanced. A clean mover and responsive to owner.

OB (3,2)
1 D Fothergill’s DIAMONCHI Miss Sparkel. 16months. Cream. A very pretty girl with beautiful eyes, head and ear set. Good pigment. Again a nice compact girl but has retained a good length of neck accentuating her front. Nice movement. BB

2 S Stangoe’s STANGHURST Time to Shine. 4yo. Good head and lovely correct ear set. Tapered muzzle. Straight on the move maintaining topline. Well proportioned.

Vivian Silverstein

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